Thursday 15 December 2011


Teachers have been  on strike, doctors and now matatu operator;s are back to the same, all demanding a slice  of the national cake from treasury.
The way the government is responding to these strikes leaves us wondering  whether it is  acting out of prudence or mere populist interests.
  The arbitrary increase in salaries would increase government expenditure meaning tax will need to be increased.
Increasing salaries by private companies will increase cost of production and hence the prices of  goods.All these steps passes the buck onto the low salaried worker.
We seriously need leadership ,not only management , in this scenario.Cost of salary should be matched with what we are producing.
If this haphazard handling of salary versus cost of goods  challenge are not handled prudently  there is a time bomb that is ticking right now. This is Wanjiku who whenever she becomes desperate she overwhelms the society like a flood.
Can the government come in the open and tell its citizens the   situation we are in .

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